
Dear Students

Education is an ever changing dynamic process, keeping in tune with recent changes in the educational dynamics new ways of learning have to be devised. The educational institutes can no longer remains places of one way traffic in learning, but have to assume the role of nerve centers for vibrant, creative and activity oriented learning, where is a teacher is no more a facilitator but is a co-learner.
Our role as educators extends far beyond teaching in the classroom. We prepare students not just for their future careers but also for lives of responsibility and societal leadership. VCL aims to nurture students into sensitive, ethical and critically conscious citizen who will contribute responsibly to their communities and society.
The teaching methodology adopted by the institute covers participative classroom, teaching, seminars assignments, extension lectures, computer application, moot court etc. The institute also invites distinguished academicians, legal luminaries, administrative and jurists regularly. We pledge to furnish our students with bright future prospects on the global front by equipping them with legal education and henceforth enriching the society.

Prof. (Dr.) Manish Bhardwaj